7 Women-and-God Stories Coming Up!

The RCL (Revised Common Lectionary) stars line up in remarkable fashion for women in these next few month. LOTS of great stories about women and their relationship to God–which means, hopefully, some great possibilities for Sunday sermons. Here’s a quick list. More thoughts to come each week.
Sunday, August 30
“Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away; for now the winter is past, the rain is over and gone…” Ah, the woman in the Song of Songs: romantic, evocative, sensual, beautiful… Song of Songs 2:8-13
Sunday, September 6
“Sir, even the dogs eat the children’s crumbs…” A stunning interaction between Jesus and the wonderfully demanding Syrophoenician mother who will not back down, even when Jesus appears rude and tells her to go away. She will have her daughter healed! Mark 7:24-37
Sunday, September 13
“Wisdom cries out in the street; in the square she raises her voice… ‘How long, O simple ones, will you love being simple?” Lots of great imagery about wisdom here, spoken in female imagery…” Proverbs 1:20-33
Sunday, September 20
The “good wife” in Proverbs 31 dances on the Sunday stage…She’s a business woman, a merchant, a sewer, a mother, a diplomat, a stateswoman, an overseer…she makes her own clothes and probably deserves a Nobel prize for something. Interestingly, she never speaks…I would love to hear what she had to say…Proverbs 31:10-31
Sunday, September 27
Beautiful and discerning Queen Esther saves her people from the machinations of the wicked Haman in this much-loved basis for the Feast of Purim. Esther 7:1-6
Sunday, November 1
Great to see All Saints’ Day actually fall on a Sunday…and who better to illustrate the Common of Saints than Ruth? “Where you go, I will go; where you lodge, I will lodge; your people shall be my people, and your God my God…” Loyalty, faith, redemption—a wonderful story. Ruth: 3:1-5
Sunday, November 8
Huge Sunday here for women in the Bible, especially re: widows and their great witness for generosity. Ruth and Naomi, the widow of Zarephath (used by Jesus to illustrate sacrificial giving), and the poor widow who, in giving her last two coins, gave all she had. Preachers and stewardship chairs, take note! Mark 12:38-44
Artwork: Painted by Karen N. Canton for The Scarlet Cord: Conversations with God’s Chosen Women. Author: Lindsay Hardin Freeman, 2010, John Hunt Publishing