Women in the Bible Push Against Restraints

What do we know about women in the Bible? Research conclusion #2:
Start to finish, women in the Bible push against restraints, using their God given gift of free will.
From the first woman to speak in the Bible (Eve) to the last (the fortune-telling slave girl in Acts), Bible women knock on doors seeking healing, redemption and freedom—or, in the case of some—control, revenge and power (think Jezebel or Delilah). Sometimes the doors for moving ahead open graciously; other times they are locked and must be battered down. Thankfully, most—but not all—move themselves and the world ahead in God’s name; although there are a few who seem to bang on the doors of Hades (and seem prime candidates for long-term residency there).
And within the two compass points of Eve and the fortune-telling slave girl, dozens of other women push on traditional boundaries to be healed, freed, heard, and redeemed. The daughters of Zelophehad battle Mosaic law. Pilate’s wife sends a secret missive, trying to save Jesus from death. The bleeding woman begs Jesus to heal her, and Mary Magdalene and other women hit the road with Jesus, leaving their safe homes behind.
Pushing outward, not knowing what lies on the other side. Pushing outward, giving birth. Pushing outward, like the universe did from the moment of creation. The blueprint found in the heavens, that of the ever-expanding universe, is the same spirit women deploy in the Bible—and is a God-given gift.